
Happy International Women's Day

“Whether you are a woman or man, you must know that International Women's Day celebrates your emancipation. Had it not been for women's emancipation, free thinking would be impossible. An educated woman can raise intelligent children, which in turn creates a self-reliant society.” - Simran Khurana

On March 8th - International Women’s Day – women in Italy and other places in the world are given sprigs of Mimosa to commemorate this day that celebrates the accomplishments of women.  

Each year, on this day, being a woman takes on greater significance. I am so blessed to be a woman of this century who is able to live a full and privileged life thanks to the sacrifices of the women who came before me. I am only saddened that this does not hold true for all women around the world, so today, my thoughts and prayers go out to all the women who continue to fight for the same rights as men. My hope is that one day women everywhere will share the same freedom to stand together, united and strong, to celebrate the beauty and blessings of being a woman.
Thank you to all the women who paved the way. Without the hardships, struggles and sacrifices they made, I would not be able to enjoy my love of travel and writing as I do today. I would not be able to travel freely and confidently through the world and through life. And I definitely would not be able to share my voice through my writing, so thank you from the depths of my soul for I would not be the same woman who stands before you today.

Wishing each and every one of you fabulous women a day as beautiful as you are!

Love & Light,