
San Gimignano - Forever in My Heart!

There is an Italian saying I love, not only for it is beautiful, but because I know it to be true.

"L'errore più grande di una persona
e cercare di togliere dalla mente
ciò che dal cuore non può uscire."

The greatest mistake a person can make is to try to remove from the mind that which cannot be erased from the heart. For you see, when you love someone, or something for that matter, people, distance and time may separate you, but they can never ever take away what is in your heart . . . San Gimignano will forever remain in mine.     

The famous towers of San Gimignano can be admired from the surrounding Tuscan hills. Walking into the enclosed 13th-century walls of this UNESCO World Heritage Site is like walking back into the Middle Ages and getting a taste of what the village was like over 700 years ago. 

San Gimignano is filled with all kinds of artisan shops selling fine leather goods, local delicacies, speciality cheeses and local wines. The white Vernaccia di San Gimignano is a must accompanied by a selection of cheese drizzled in honey and walnuts.

In the central Piazza della Cisterna you will find one of the best artisan gelato parlours in all of Italy, the Award-winning Gelateria Dondoli. If truth be told, all the ice cream shops in San Gimignano make delicious gelato. I know, I tried them all. There are also restaurants with incredible views of the surrounding countryside and boutique hotels, so next time you are making your way from Firenze to Siena, or the other way around, make sure to visit San Gimignano. It’s definitely worth a visit, but until then I hope you enjoy some of my photographs!  

Love and Light,
