
Birthday Blessings

Today I celebrate my birthday. What an incredible gift. As I close one chapter and begin a new one, I think back to all the beautiful moments that have made this past year so memorable and the one thing that stands out is LOVE. The thing I hold most precious.

How lucky am I to be so deeply loved and to share such profound love in return. Not many people can say that. Love is the one thing that cannot be bought and what a blessing to be gifted an abundance of it in my life.
I don’t know what the future holds or what it will bring, but what I know for sure is this: If you embrace each moment with fearless abandon, love and light you will see your star rise higher than you ever imagined possible.

On this special day I want to THANK YOU for being a part of my life; for your kindness, friendship and encouragement. I am so grateful to all of you for opening your hearts and lives to me each day. I am humbled by such graciousness. Because of you I have become a citizen of the world and am filled with hope knowing that together our journey will be a better one.

Cheers to another birthday and to savouring all the moments. In the end, they are what life is made of and what a great life it is.
