
To My Mother in Heaven - Happy Mother's Day!

"All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." – Abraham Lincoln

This post is dedicated to my beloved Mother in heaven who is missed every moment of every day, and to my beautiful sister, whose devotion and love for her children is a reminder of our mother's teachings. By example, she taught us to have courage and strength in the face of adversity; a forgiving heart when trials way heavy upon us; to live each day to the fullest; to look for the silver lining; to find joy in all that we do; to never judge others for we know not what path they have walked; to be the truest of friend and confidant; to stand up for ourselves; to never be afraid to be heard; and to love ourselves and others with all our heart. She was our best friend and a mother to all who needed her. She faced death with the same joyful spirit she lived life and it is in that light that I will always lovingly remember her.

Wishing all the beautiful mothers - here and in heaven - a Wonderful Mother’s Day!
