
A Birthday Reflection

Today I celebrate another birthday. What an incredible gift that is! Not everyone is given such a blessing and for that I am immensely grateful. As a new chapter in my journey unveils itself, I think back to all the magical and beautiful moments that have made this past year so memorable. I sipped wine in the Tuscan hills, strolled the magnificent streets of Venice, walked up ancient pyramids in Mexico City, watched fireworks in San Miguel de Allende, drank daiquiris in Havana, danced in Santiago, went river rafting along the Rio Grande, swam in Frenchman’s Cove, sipped Champagne on gorgeous beaches with my sisters, and so much more. I was also the first journalist to report and share pics of the Kardashians in Havana which led to worldwide coverage by every major news outlet. And my article and blog posts for St. Vincent and the Grenadines were both nominated for the CTO Media Awards. Each experience enriching my life in new and profound ways, but the one thing that continues to enrich my life is LOVE. The thing I hold most precious.

How lucky am I to be so deeply loved and to share such profound love in return. Not many people can say that. Love is the one thing that cannot be bought and what a blessing to be gifted an abundance of it in my life.

Many new adventures await me this year. The future is brighter than ever because we hold within us the power to make it everything we want it to be. I don’t have all the secrets of the universe, but what I know for sure is this: If you embrace each moment with fearless abandon and courageously pursue the life you want, love and light will guide you and you will see your star rise higher than you ever imagined possible. Happiness is yours for the taking. It’s your life, and yours to live. Live it! 

On this special day I want to THANK YOU for being a part of my life; for your kindness, friendship and encouragement. I am so grateful to all of you for opening your hearts and lives to me each day. I am humbled by such graciousness. Because of you I have become a citizen of the world and am filled with hope knowing that together our journey will be a better one.

Cheers to another birthday and to savouring all the moments. In the end, they are what life is made of and what a great life it is.
