
Blessings for 2017

2016 blessed me with an abundance of love, incredible experiences, new opportunities, magical moments, fun adventures and wonderful new friendships made along the way. Every memory intricately woven into the tapestry of my life...

Everything that happens is part of the journey guiding us towards our destiny, so embrace all of it - the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. I promise there is a lesson in all of it, so graciously embrace what is and be grateful for the lessons so you can move powerfully into your future. Never lose hope. Find comfort in knowing that there is something wondrous awaiting us, because we have within us the power to alter the course of our lives and our futures. Take chances. Make changes. Open your heart to the infinite possibilities. Love fully and love deeply. Fearlessly pursue your dreams and passions. Don't let anyone tell you how to live your life because it is yours to live. Travel. Explore. Live each day to the fullest and on YOUR terms. Only you know the melody that makes your heart sing, so move to the beat of your own music and be happy. I promise that by taking a chance on YOU only happiness awaits.

There are many amazing things in store for 2017 that I look forward to sharing with all of you. Thank you for continuing to share my journey with me. I am eternally grateful and humbled by all the outpouring of love and support along the way. You are my spirit tribe, my soul-sisters and brothers, my fellow travellers on this journey called life. Let's continue to love, support and inspire one another in creating and living the life of our dreams. It IS possible!

Cheers to 2017 and living a life that supersedes our greatest hopes, dreams and desires!  

X, Travelista73